46 research outputs found

    The Interplay of Charge and Spin in Quantum Dots: The Ising Case

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    The physics of quantum dots is succinctly depicted by the {\it Universal Hamiltonian}, where only zero mode interactions are included. In the case where the latter involve charging and isotropic spin-exchange terms, this would lead to a non-Abelian action. Here we address an Ising spin-exchange interaction, which leads to an Abelian action. The analysis of this simplified yet non-trivial model shed some light on a more general case of charge and spin entanglement. We present a calculation of the tunneling density of states and of the dynamic magnetic susceptibility. Our results are amenable to experimental study and may allow for an experimental determination of the exchange interaction strength.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure


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    Diagenesis of archaeological bone and tooth

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    An understanding of the structural complexity of mineralised tissues is fundamental for exploration into the field of diagenesis. Here we review aspects of current and past research on bone and tooth diagenesis using the most comprehensive collection of literature on diagenesis to date. Environmental factors such as soil pH, soil hydrology and ambient temperature, which influence the preservation of skeletal tissues are assessed, while the different diagenetic pathways such as microbial degradation, loss of organics, mineral changes, and DNA degradation are surveyed. Fluctuating water levels in and around the bone is the most harmful for preservation and lead to rapid skeletal destruction. Diagenetic mechanisms are found to work in conjunction with each other, altering the biogenic composition of skeletal material. This illustrates that researchers must examine multiple diagenetic pathways to fully understand the post-mortem interactions of archaeological skeletal material and the burial environment